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Chair Yoga Classes in Northampton

Improves Balance

Reduces Anxiety

Improves Wellbeing

Most people get the impression that yoga is just for the young and fit but in truth, it is really for everyone. What’s great about yoga, is that it can be modified so many different ways to suit everyone’s style and level of ability. One example is Chair Yoga, which literally suits everyone! Here at Soo Yoga, in Northampton, this yoga class involves sitting on a chair or standing while using the chair for support. While this style of yoga class does cater for everyone, it primarily focuses on seniors and people with injuries, as it’s the best option for this group of people.


A chair offers a stable base for less mobile individuals and is highly adaptable to the physical needs of a variety of disabilities and injuries, such as people with special needs who have varying degrees of physical disability. It will improve mobility, flexibility, and strength, and help compensate for the lack of balance and other weaknesses, which will then empower them to be more confident in movement and provide breathing and meditation techniques to reduce stress and depression.


Chair yoga can also benefit people with other conditions, like high blood pressure; anxiety; chronic fatigue syndrome; arthritis; multiple sclerosis; depression; and chronic pain. Also suitable for those with mobility issues including wheelchair users.







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